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2020-04-14 11:19 来源:鲁网 大字体 小字体 扫码带走


  鲁网4月14日讯(记者 颜秉显)近日,第29届菏泽国际牡丹文化旅游节如期举行。菏泽市文化和旅游局局长尹慧萍做客《中国推介》栏目,向全球华人推介国家AAAA级景区——曹州牡丹园。 


  节目已陆续在国外Twitter(国际)、You Tube(美国国际)、FACEBOOK(美国)、NAVER(韩国)、Yahoo japan(日本)、Vimeo(国际)、Tumblr(国际)、Niconico(国际)、Dailymotion(法国)等多家主要媒体平台首播,国内中国网+、华人频道、百度百科、看中国网等多家媒体平台同步参与播出,让世界认识菏泽、了解菏泽。 







  Hello my dear friends! I'm Yin Huiping, director of Culture and Tourism Bureau of Heze.We are now at Caozhou Peony Garden.When you come here,you can enjoy all the beauty of peony. 

  Caozhou peony garden covers an area of more than 1600 mu, it is the largest peony theme garden with numerous varieties around the world. There are nine color schemes ten flower types and more than 1000 varieties of peony.In the garden,it has peony legend,ancient records recalling the past,flowers bloom all the year round, Chinese style garden, soul of national flower, hall of national flower zen temple, waterside pavilions and other scenic spots Walking in the garden, everywhere looks likes scenery and artwork. 

  There's an old saying goes:" hundreds of flowers are in full bloom in March at the beginning of spring". When it comes to the traditional solar terms "Grain Rain"over one thousand mu peony flowers along the path are in full bloom. Tourists all over the world are pouring in. Here, the wonderland of numerous peonies and tourists will let you enjoy this unique peony feast of Caozhou. We also hold annual International Peony Cultural Tourism Festival which is a spectacular event with various characteristics.  

  Appreciating the peony of the feeling the charm of Heze. Wish you have a nice trip, I hope Caozhou Peony Garden could leave you a nice experience and memory. 
